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It would not be the lunar new year without the hotpot reunion dinner with family. In the Year of the Ox, only those who are lucky and living in a few countries such as Taiwan, Vietnam and New Zealand can truly enjoy the traditional Lunar New Year’s celebration. For most of us, the Spring Festival celebration were badly affected by the epidemic. Taiwanese community, teachers and students in Ireland did not have a physical annual Spring Festival gathering this year. However, the online hotpot dinner party and the cooking competition that organised by the Dublin school of Mandarin Chinese has attracted more than 30 families of teachers, students and families to attend.

The event started with the traditional festive music. Ambassador Dr. Pierre Yang of the Taipei representative office in Ireland gave a speech on two island states: the connection between Taiwan and Ireland. The lovely Irish migratory bird lapwing was used as the finale theme and there were also peanuts imported from Taiwan, the Yunlin Farmers Association in as a raffle prizes. Assistant director Secretary Ye Diyu, from the Taipei representative office in the United Kingdom, was also invited to attend and celebrated the New Year with everyone.

Other activities included a short video from the pupils of Dublin School of Mandarin Chinese, the cooking competition (thanks to Secretary Wei to be our judge), Kahoot online quiz and the raffle. Evan also demonstrated and introduced the hotpot dinner and the significant of the ingredients to students who were experiencing it for the first time.

This event is hosted by Dublin School of Mandarin Chinese and we are especially grateful to the Overseas Community Affairs Council and the Taipei representative office in Ireland for their sponsorship. Finally, we wish everyone: a very happy new year.

沒有火鍋與家人熱熱鬧鬧的團圓飯就不能算是過年。2021牛年全球各地的華人也許只有少數住在幸運的國家如台灣, 越南和紐西蘭可以真正的享受傳統年節氣氛,大部分的華人,春節活動都受到新冠疫情的影響而大打折扣。在愛爾蘭的台灣僑民和師生,今年沒有實體的年度春節聚會但都柏林中文學校的線上春節圍爐及年菜比賽活動在短短的幾天內也吸引了30幾個師生及僑民家庭報名。

活動以傳統的節慶音樂做暖身, 校長劉淑慧做了簡短的開場後,邀請駐愛爾蘭代表處楊子葆大使做客座演講。楊大使特別介紹兩個島嶼國家: 台灣與愛爾蘭的關聯,用可愛的愛爾蘭候鳥lapwing (雲林土豆鳥)為壓軸主題讓我們增長見聞,另還有從雲林農會進口的花生供摸彩獎項。僑委會駐英國代表處葉帝余秘書也應邀參加並與大家拜年。


本活動由都柏林中文學校主辦, 特別感謝僑務委員會和駐愛爾蘭代表處的熱情贊助。

最後祝福大家: 牛年旺返;牛轉乾坤;鼠氣全消!

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